Ergo Solution Services
Ergo Solution serving San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles, & Inland Empire.
Scheduling available within 2 weeks and reports are delivered within 1 week.

- Ergonomic Evaluations- Office and Industrial Evaluations with Comprehensive Reporting for Workers’ Compensation Claims or Prevention of Claims.
- Ergo Solution offers company-wide and individual employee risk analysis to achieve the long- and short-term ergonomic goals of its clients
- Comprehensive employee, management and ergonomic team training
- Assist clients with a medical management program
- On-site physical therapy programs at no additional cost to employer
- Ergo Solution specializes in early intervention and post injury evaluations of employees to protect its clients’ interests.
- Address clients ergonomic needs in a responsible and compliant manner
- Assist clients with product evaluations and selections
- Implement strategies for managing injuries
- Development of companies’ ergonomic policies and procedures

Ergonomic Consulting
We provide our clients with comprehensive employee, management and ergonomic team training. This facilitates identification of workplace risks and implementation of ergonomic solutions on an ongoing basis.
By assisting clients with a medical management program, Ergo Solution enables your company to implement the most appropriate strategies for managing injuries.
Ergo Solution also specializes in the development of companies’ ergonomic policies and procedures. This service helps clients to address their ergonomic needs in a responsible, appropriate, and compliant manner.
To complement the principles of good ergonomic practice, Ergo Solution advisors play an important role in assisting clients with product evaluations and selections. We go beyond design engineering with a specialized biomechanical approach targeting worker behavior as an important component to a comprehensive work injury prevention program.
On-site Physical Therapy
Ergo Solution, Inc. customizes on-site therapy and ergonomic programs to meet the unique needs of your employees & workplace. This approach decreases costs & enhances productivity of your work force.
On-site services at no additional cost to the employer.
An ongoing challenge to employers is controlling the costs, liability, and loss of production associated with a workplace injury. In addition, the state of California and OSHA have mandated legislation and guidelines, which are both rigorous and time-consuming for the employer. Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are the largest single job-related injury and illness problem in the US accounting for nearly $1 of every $3 spent on workers’ compensation cost of more than $15 billion to employers (Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Ergonomics Program Final Rule, 65 Fed Reg 68262 2000). The average high-risk workplace spends $250,000 on MSD (musculoskeletal disorder) claims per 100 employees per year (Journal of Occupational Health & Safety, Jan. 1991) without factoring in the hidden costs such as low morale.
Traditionally, most employers use outside providers for physical therapy services.
Potential pitfalls of this approach include delayed scheduling & variable quality of care. In addition, the employees’ work is disrupted, time is spent away from the job, and travel expenses are incurred. These factors increase claim costs that in turn increase premiums. Cost savings with on-site physical therapy average $1,000-2,000 per case. Fewer therapy visits result in less time away from work.
Carpal tunnel syndrome receives a lot of media attention and results in more employee days away from work than any other workplace injury. The median number of days away from work for carpal tunnel syndrome is 25, compared with 20 for amputations and 17 for fractures (US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Lost-Worktime Injuries and Illnesses: Characteristics and Resulting Time Away From Work, 2000. Washington, DC, US Bureau of Labor Statistics; 2002).

Research shows that 47% of workers return to their pre-injury jobs with outside clinic based therapy programs compared to 85% with on-site therapy programs.