Ergo Solution: Protecting Clients through Work-Injury Prevention

Ergo Solution offers a wide range of ergonomic services to facilitate a return to work
and a reduction in work injury claims and lost work days.
Work injury prevention & rehabilitation since 1997
An extensive background in the rehabilitation of injured workers served as the inspiration for Ergo Solution since 1997. Assessment & treatments of all types of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) led to our mission of preventing such injuries.
Ergo Solution is a group of industrial physical therapists & board certified ergonomists. They are medical professionals specially-trained in human biomechanics as it relates to musculo-skeletal function, work, injury, & disease. Their training emphasizes musculo-skeletal movement, posture & related orthopaedic problems, including ergonomics & human biomechanics. This specialty involves both physics & medical sciences: thus, the term “physical” therapist.

Ergonomic physical therapists go beyond a narrow focus on design engineering, to include additional strategies that improve work tolerance, decrease tissue damage, & increase repair of wear damage to working tissues. Our physical therapists have undergone the rigourous medical school-based physical therapy education, plus many years of orthopaedic experience managing work-related injury & disease.
Ongoing postgraduate education has emphasized advanced training in ergonomics & musculoskeletal injury care & prevention, including training from international ergonomics physical therapy authorities.

Mark Nolte, MA, PT, CIE
Mark Nolte, a licensed Physical Therapist & board certified ergonomist, has been involved in industrial medicine since 1994 & has over 20 years experience in office & industrial ergonomics. Services range from company wide ergonomic programs to complicated individual workstation evaluations & training. These services have been provided to numerous industry types including printing, lifesciences, technology, & government. Mr. Nolte has helped several companies obtain VPP certification with OSHA. He has managed on-site programs including physical therapy, pre-claim, early intervention care, & ergonomic programs. Results have included a 71% decrease in musculoskeletal disorder recordables & a 64% decrease in lost work days in year one of program implementation.
Mr. Nolte owns Ergo Solution, Inc.; a company dedicated to protecting clients with custom, unique workplace injury prevention programs. Extensive post-graduate education, research, & experience combine to facilitate returning injured clients to work & reducing work injury claims & lost workdays. Ergo Solution’s programs have been implemented in a variety of work places with tremendous success. Mark Nolte is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association & Oxford Research Institute.
Facts & Benefits
Ergo Solution’s programs exceed the standards of OSHA Ergonomics Guidelines 3123 so your company’s compliance is ensured and your liability is minimized.
Based on outcome studies of workplaces including food processing plants, shoe manufacturers, and offices, implementation of Ergo Solution’s programs have proven to reduce lost work days an average of 70%. This may reduce insurance premiums, increase employee productivity, and reduce employee attrition.
State-of-the-art ergonomic principles and solutions emphasize behavioral interventions to produce practical and economical results for your company.
Ergo Solution customizes each ergonomic program to meet the unique needs of your employees and workplace. This approach helps to maximize employee morale and minimize employee turnover.

Contact Mark Nolte & Ergo Solution, Inc. today to learn more about our expertise in industrial medicine & ergonomics.
Our programs are designed to facilitate the return of injured employees to work while reducing work injury claims and lost workdays. With a track record of success and commitment to client protection, Mark Nolte & Ergo Solution, Inc. is your trusted partner for improving workplace safety and employee well-being.